Every day: words, images, and videos that make me cry. Usually the happy kind.

19 August 2010

Your Second Beating Heart

At this point, it feels like cheating to link to Sugar. She writes a column every Thursday, and every Thursday her column makes me cry.

But this one had me crying by the second paragraph of her response and I didn't stop sobbing til it was done. And when I say 'sobbing' I don't mean dainty, lady-like tears at the corners of my eyes.

I mean that my shoulders shook and I sobbed.

"The unifying theme is resilience and faith. The unifying theme is being a warrior and a motherfucker. Do you think miners stand around all day talking about how hard it is to mine for coal? They do not. They simply dig."

{ link }

words: dear sugar
image: jqn boulevard


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