Every day: words, images, and videos that make me cry. Usually the happy kind.

16 September 2010


"There's something of a magic to the perspective that a post-relationship experience gives you. It profoundly changes your perspective on not just your own heart and decisions, but every single person in your life and the people who may enter it tomorrow. I mean, what's the fucking deal with hindsight, right? Could there be a more inconvenient educator?

Thing is, you just have to trust yourself, give yourself a break, and except that hindsight always wins and you'll never get it perfect and the people who are fucking up your world or undermining your foundations are in their own tailspin of it's own severity and you sit on a bench in front of something pretty, take a deep breath, and take in the fact that 'okay...so that fucking happened'.

And you're still standing, and he (or she) may not be, but you're still standing, and you have everything you went into the relationship with...it's just all shifted around and a little swollen here or there, but you know you like you and that's where you start. Or you don't like little bits of you and you start with the bits you like and you work on the ones you don't. A boy (or girl) comes along and likes lots of your bits. Wants to jump in the ring... help you on the bits you want help on.

All in all, this is life, I think. We move through lessons to the point at which a relationship (the forever one) is about learning them together in full. The lessons never stop though. We find perfection in the fact that imperfection is constant, and a way to live among it sans destruction becomes the symphony of true love."

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words: dshan
image: hey ho lets go n


Meg said...

Love this. love love love.

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